9:30 AM

It's finally April. I chose to write this blog series in the month of April because it's our time to celebrate; we're getting MARRIED and it's our BIRTHDAY month. As I reflect over the past year, I can see how we've grown as a family and learned more about each other. Even with this year passing, there is still SO much more growth that will occur. Let’s be real, it's no overnight thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the first to do it! And I won’t be the last. 

My Take:

·         April is the start of a new month. There will be four parts to reflect the fourth month. 

·         the number four reflects the number of members in our family. 

·         our birthday is April 3rd and April 4th.  

The Four:

·         dating someone with kids

·         stigmas behind "dating someone with kids"

·         blended families

·         marrying someone with kids/the future.

Stop back by THIS Wednesday (MY BIRTHDAY). I'll even be answering some questions/answers from a few readers. And then stick around for my notes every Wednesday the entire month of April! 



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