
Friday, March 27, 2015

Educated to Enlighten

My journey to receiving my Master's degree was a tough one! From not getting accepted to the school I "thought" I wanted to go to, to starting and being unsure of my decision. As I took my business classes and sighing after countless group projects and 30 page papers, I asked myself, "What was I thinking?"

But then I was reminded: 

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths".

As I mentioned before, I have so many interests. I chose to get my degree to give myself the opportunity to reach my career goals. I've always had a business woman mindset with a heart to reach out to people and make a change. The leader. The self-starter. As far as I'm concerned, we're all here to spread the love of Christ, live a happy life and enlighten the ones around us. Then one day my aunt asked me, "What is your passion?" It seemed like it took me a while to answer this million dollar question to what I thought should be so simple (well, at least when she asked that was). I repeated it in my head over and over again, "What is my passion?"

As I read an article in the January 2015 print of Essence magazine, I was able to evaluate my aunt's question and apply my vision/passion for my life to the goals and expectations I had for myself.

The article asked questions like:

1. What is my vision for my life?

2. Am I ready to live my dreams?

3. What am I afraid of?

4. What do I need to do to get what I want?

5. Will I take responsibility for the things that happen in my life?

These questions shaped my reality. I did not get my degree to be a corporate business woman for a company with visions and goals I do not agree with and would be subject to conform to. I received my degree to break down barriers as an educated black woman. Not to be labeled, but to redefine. To create my own canvas that goes beyond what the natural eye can see. To continue to set the standard and change the expectations of today's generation. To be a representation of my culture. To enlighten other visionaries who desire to set their own paths. To encourage others to also succeed. To connect with myself, my vision, goal and dreams. My M.B.A. does not describe me or my capabilities. It allows me to shape what I believe in and help others become more aware of their abilities through Christ. I was created with a purpose, as are you. As you read this, I hope you envision your path too!

I must ask:

1. How will I get there?

2. How can my vision evolve?

3. Although it is not going as I planned (because we are not perfect), am I thankful and positive?

4. Am I willing to do what it takes?

5. What is next for me?

Happy Thinking. Be encouraged. Be enlightened.

2 Corinthians 9:8 - And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

Make up: MUA| Erin Yvette | Instagram: @Soingnemakeup 
Photography: Erin and Myself

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