Surprises and Expectations...

7:54 AM

Surprise! I feel like it's been so long since I last blogged! Every time I make a pact to not go so long life always happens. Well here's what's been going on:

August: School started. I entered into my fourth year of teaching. First year teaching a new subject.

October: We celebrated Samiyah's 7th birthday and our ONE year wedding anniversary.

Fun fact: T and I got married on October 16th, 2017, before our actual wedding celebration on April 15th, 2018.

November: We announced. That's right, I am four months pregnant.
19 weeks and 2 days to be exact!

I found out on August 23rd, 2018 that I was expecting. I was totally and completely kind of surprised (Is that possible?) So far I have had about five doctor's appointments.

Here are some of the questions I've received so far:

1. Were we trying?
Yes, and no. We weren't "trying" to have a baby, but we also weren't preventing.

2. How have you been feeling?
I actually have been feeling completely normal. I am thankful for that. I know that each person's experience is different. The most I've experienced is hunger nausea, sore breasts, and constipation. y most recent pregnancy trait is heartburn.

3. How did you tell T?
I made an onesie with my Cricut machine and placed it in a metal canister with the test (two tests to be exact) and a card.

4. Do you know what you're having?
Yes! We know the gender. We found on 11/12/18.

5. Are you excited?
Yes! I am. We already have two daughters so I am excited to experience something new with T; becoming a mom to a newborn. I am extremely nervous. I have been reading (possibly too much).

Leave some questions for me or even pregnancy tips (especially for this heartburn). 
Until my next Bump-Date!

 W & Baby K

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