
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Bumpdate and Pregnancy Tips

I'm not to the point where I am over it, but I am getting more and more uncomfortable by the day. I have really enjoyed sharing my journey with you guys. It's been so good to know that other people can relate or really are interested in how our journey has progressed. Here are three tips for future or soon to be moms trying to figure all this out.

1. Take naps. Around 30 weeks I began getting more exhausted during the day like I was in my first trimester. What I found was that around 11:45-1:30 were my peek times for exhaustion. Being a teacher didn't allow for mid-day naps and once Spring Break came, I took every opportunity to take one. Now that I am back at work, it gets a little hard during that time span. If you can, at any point in the day, take the nap. Your body will thank you.

2. You can't do it all. I am definitely a get it done type person. I like to take charge and go after the millions of ideas that populate in my head each day. Well, you can't. It took me a while to understand this. As pregnancy progresses the toll it takes on your body. Even thought it is a beautiful process, it is a difficult (even for the mom with the easy progression). While I've been blessed to have a fairly smooth pregnancy, I had to start considering what my random acts and do it yourself attitude was doing to me physically. Or maybe I got tired of being yelled at.

3. You need the support; not the stress. I don't know what I would have done this pregnancy without my husband. There were countless times I simply needed back rubs, physical support for bathroom trips, two tums from the medicine cabinet, couch sleeping support (he insisted if I slept on the couch he would too), extra hands for lotion, or just someone to talk to. I commend all the moms who work hard day in and day out and have do do so much on their own. If I could say anything for future moms to be it would be to get all the support you can. Friends, grandparents, siblings; when help is offered, take it.

Not to mention the number of people who have poured into our lives with other forms of support; words, gifts, and random acts of love!

 April is here. My birth month, T's birth month, and B's. Here is how we've been doing.

1. Heartburn persists. Doctor C informed at my last appointment baby girl has hair. So that's good to know. I am definitely curious to see exactly "how much". I have so much heartburn, I can feel the tingle and itch in my ears.

The Fix: Tums 

2. Feet swelling has been consistent. At first it was just one foot, now it's both. Doesn't cause much pain, more so skin tightness and discomfort. Elevation doesn't exactly help.

The Fix: Drinking water seems to do the trick, but some days nothing seems to help. 

3. Cravings. Mashed potatoes and gravy (extra gravy please). Ice Cream. Steak and Potatoes.

The Fix: The husband. 

4. 22 pound weight gain so far. I am so pleased with my body and how it has been reacting to my pregnancy diet. (What diet?)

The Fix: Stay on track with my fake diet. 

5. The Nursery Nook.  While I plan to do a future blog post on all details nook, I will say, it is not done! Last week I hung the mirror that had been sitting in the box on the floor for almost a month or more. By the end of the day, it fell and completely shattered. I was so hurt! I haven't even thrown it away yet, it just continues to sit.

The Fix: Find a new mirror for the wall. Have someone else properly hang it! Remember what I said earlier about support?

6. Lack of breath.  Oh my goodness walking, laying, and even talking causes me to loose my breath. I move so slow now and I even have mild wobble walk. Sometimes, I feel like my airways are restricted.

The Fix: Re-positioning is required to catch my breath. 

7. Lack of sleep. You know how I mentioned earlier to take naps during the day. Well, I don't exactly sleep at night either. My peek times for waking up are 3:00-5:15 a.m. I can't say she's always awake and moving, but I know that I can expect to be up at that time and then back to sleep around 6 am and up for work around 7.

The Fix: None.

Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing our final pre Baby B details. All things nook, hospital bag, and first time mom must have recommendations. Until then, if you have a pregnant friend or even a friend that's trying to conceive, check on them. Be that support.

Dress: ASOS
Photographer: Corey W. Photography

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