Weekend Recap | Wedding Planning

7:47 PM

At first I tried not to be one of "those brides" who posts everything or becomes an "annoying poster". Then I though about it, I'm excited, I'm going to post all I want. When you're happy there are some things you want to share. Especially when you're sharing love with a person that gives you that desire.

I haven't done much planning. Partially because I have two friends getting married this year and my focus has been on helping them get through their process. The other part is because I can't decide on a wedding planner. I'm a DIY type person, I can't bring myself to pay for something I know I can do. What I can say I've accomplished is began to finalize  my venue (this process took a little over a month), picked a photographer, and picked out some potential DJs.

As excited as I am, T is just as excited...but in a different way. How, you ask....? Well every time I mention wedding planning he "fake falls asleep". It's actually funny to me. But it happens every. single. time. So I finally got to the point where instead of me talking wedding every single day, all day long. I asked, "What's a day we can sit down and talk about wedding planning?" This became a good compromise. 

What I've learned so far: 

1. He's a man. He doesn't care about if I get Tulips or Roses. He's just excited for the moment and the day to come. 
2. He's excited too. Just not the "same exact way" I am and that's okay. 
3. He's a tell me what needs to be done (and it gets done type). Which takes us back to number one.

So here's to the next few months of planning: wedding websites, honeymoon ideas, and registries. I'm  on the hunt for vintage shops, antiques, and the bridal stores people aren't too familiar with . This month I'll finish The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller. I also plan to read 31 Prayers for my Future Husband! 

If you have  any other book or shops  recommendations let me know in the comments below. Happy Sunday! 

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  1. First of all I want to say congratulations to you both once again. My husband and I did marriage counseling before we got married and my pastor advised us to read The Five Love Languages "The Secret To Love That Lasts"by Gary Chapman. I found it very helpful to my marriage it has definitely bought my husband and I so much closer and I think it would do the same for you guys love you guys lots hope you enjoy it.


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